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Autoregressive Models in Vision: A Survey Episode 64

Autoregressive Models in Vision: A Survey

· 22:52


🤗 Paper Upvotes: 3 | cs.CV, cs.CL

Jing Xiong, Gongye Liu, Lun Huang, Chengyue Wu, Taiqiang Wu, Yao Mu, Yuan Yao, Hui Shen, Zhongwei Wan, Jinfa Huang, Chaofan Tao, Shen Yan, Huaxiu Yao, Lingpeng Kong, Hongxia Yang, Mi Zhang, Guillermo Sapiro, Jiebo Luo, Ping Luo, Ngai Wong

Autoregressive Models in Vision: A Survey


Autoregressive modeling has been a huge success in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Recently, autoregressive models have emerged as a significant area of focus in computer vision, where they excel in producing high-quality visual content. Autoregressive models in NLP typically operate on subword tokens. However, the representation strategy in computer vision can vary in different levels, \textit{i.e.}, pixel-level, token-level, or scale-level, reflecting the diverse and hierarchical nature of visual data compared to the sequential structure of language. This survey comprehensively examines the literature on autoregressive models applied to vision. To improve readability for researchers from diverse research backgrounds, we start with preliminary sequence representation and modeling in vision. Next, we divide the fundamental frameworks of visual autoregressive models into three general sub-categories, including pixel-based, token-based, and scale-based models based on the strategy of representation. We then explore the interconnections between autoregressive models and other generative models. Furthermore, we present a multi-faceted categorization of autoregressive models in computer vision, including image generation, video generation, 3D generation, and multi-modal generation. We also elaborate on their applications in diverse domains, including emerging domains such as embodied AI and 3D medical AI, with about 250 related references. Finally, we highlight the current challenges to autoregressive models in vision with suggestions about potential research directions. We have also set up a Github repository to organize the papers included in this survey at: \url{https://github.com/ChaofanTao/Autoregressive-Models-in-Vision-Survey}.


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