· 24:00
🤗 Upvotes: 10 | cs.CV, cs.GR
Kam Woh Ng, Jing Yang, Jia Wei Sii, Jiankang Deng, Chee Seng Chan, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang, Xiatian Zhu
Chirpy3D: Continuous Part Latents for Creative 3D Bird Generation
In this paper, we push the boundaries of fine-grained 3D generation into truly creative territory. Current methods either lack intricate details or simply mimic existing objects -- we enable both. By lifting 2D fine-grained understanding into 3D through multi-view diffusion and modeling part latents as continuous distributions, we unlock the ability to generate entirely new, yet plausible parts through interpolation and sampling. A self-supervised feature consistency loss further ensures stable generation of these unseen parts. The result is the first system capable of creating novel 3D objects with species-specific details that transcend existing examples. While we demonstrate our approach on birds, the underlying framework extends beyond things that can chirp! Code will be released at https://github.com/kamwoh/chirpy3d.
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