· 22:47
🤗 Upvotes: 13 | cs.CV
Qingyan Bai, Hao Ouyang, Yinghao Xu, Qiuyu Wang, Ceyuan Yang, Ka Leong Cheng, Yujun Shen, Qifeng Chen
Edicho: Consistent Image Editing in the Wild
As a verified need, consistent editing across in-the-wild images remains a technical challenge arising from various unmanageable factors, like object poses, lighting conditions, and photography environments. Edicho steps in with a training-free solution based on diffusion models, featuring a fundamental design principle of using explicit image correspondence to direct editing. Specifically, the key components include an attention manipulation module and a carefully refined classifier-free guidance (CFG) denoising strategy, both of which take into account the pre-estimated correspondence. Such an inference-time algorithm enjoys a plug-and-play nature and is compatible to most diffusion-based editing methods, such as ControlNet and BrushNet. Extensive results demonstrate the efficacy of Edicho in consistent cross-image editing under diverse settings. We will release the code to facilitate future studies.
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