· 22:13
🤗 Paper Upvotes: 7 | cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Jan Pfister, Julia Wunderle, Andreas Hotho
LLäMmlein: Compact and Competitive German-Only Language Models from Scratch
We create two German-only decoder models, LL\"aMmlein 120M and 1B, transparently from scratch and publish them, along with the training data, for the German NLP research community to use. The model training involved several key steps, including extensive data preprocessing, the creation of a custom German tokenizer, the training itself, as well as the evaluation of the final models on various benchmarks. Throughout the training process, multiple checkpoints were saved and analyzed using the SuperGLEBer benchmark to monitor the models' learning dynamics. Compared to state-of-the-art models on the SuperGLEBer benchmark, both LL\"aMmlein models performed competitively, consistently matching or surpassing models with similar parameter sizes. The results show that the models' quality scales with size as expected, but performance improvements on some tasks plateaued early, offering valuable insights into resource allocation for future model development.
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