· 22:37
🤗 Upvotes: 13 | cs.CV
Zexin He, Tengfei Wang, Xin Huang, Xingang Pan, Ziwei Liu
Neural LightRig: Unlocking Accurate Object Normal and Material Estimation with Multi-Light Diffusion
Recovering the geometry and materials of objects from a single image is challenging due to its under-constrained nature. In this paper, we present Neural LightRig, a novel framework that boosts intrinsic estimation by leveraging auxiliary multi-lighting conditions from 2D diffusion priors. Specifically, 1) we first leverage illumination priors from large-scale diffusion models to build our multi-light diffusion model on a synthetic relighting dataset with dedicated designs. This diffusion model generates multiple consistent images, each illuminated by point light sources in different directions. 2) By using these varied lighting images to reduce estimation uncertainty, we train a large G-buffer model with a U-Net backbone to accurately predict surface normals and materials. Extensive experiments validate that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, enabling accurate surface normal and PBR material estimation with vivid relighting effects. Code and dataset are available on our project page at https://projects.zxhezexin.com/neural-lightrig.
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