· 20:51
🤗 Paper Upvotes: 18 | cs.CV
Yunhan Yang, Yukun Huang, Yuan-Chen Guo, Liangjun Lu, Xiaoyang Wu, Edmund Y. Lam, Yan-Pei Cao, Xihui Liu
SAMPart3D: Segment Any Part in 3D Objects
3D part segmentation is a crucial and challenging task in 3D perception, playing a vital role in applications such as robotics, 3D generation, and 3D editing. Recent methods harness the powerful Vision Language Models (VLMs) for 2D-to-3D knowledge distillation, achieving zero-shot 3D part segmentation. However, these methods are limited by their reliance on text prompts, which restricts the scalability to large-scale unlabeled datasets and the flexibility in handling part ambiguities. In this work, we introduce SAMPart3D, a scalable zero-shot 3D part segmentation framework that segments any 3D object into semantic parts at multiple granularities, without requiring predefined part label sets as text prompts. For scalability, we use text-agnostic vision foundation models to distill a 3D feature extraction backbone, allowing scaling to large unlabeled 3D datasets to learn rich 3D priors. For flexibility, we distill scale-conditioned part-aware 3D features for 3D part segmentation at multiple granularities. Once the segmented parts are obtained from the scale-conditioned part-aware 3D features, we use VLMs to assign semantic labels to each part based on the multi-view renderings. Compared to previous methods, our SAMPart3D can scale to the recent large-scale 3D object dataset Objaverse and handle complex, non-ordinary objects. Additionally, we contribute a new 3D part segmentation benchmark to address the lack of diversity and complexity of objects and parts in existing benchmarks. Experiments show that our SAMPart3D significantly outperforms existing zero-shot 3D part segmentation methods, and can facilitate various applications such as part-level editing and interactive segmentation.
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